Even if you cannot be present on the ground where our activities take place, you can still make a difference and join our movement through joining our international volunteer portal.


  1. Connect people that want to make a difference by offering an opportunity to volunteer virtually with their skills and time. So you can be anywhere in the world.
  2. Providing volunteers with flexible tasks according to individuals schedules. It’s flexible while able to deliver a real impact on the ground

How it works

  • You will join our online project management tool with the other volunteers
  • Jobs will be distributed among the team so everyone does small manageable tasks

How much commitment?

You can give as much as time as you want. Whenever you accept a task you become accountable, and your committed to deliver it.


A quick simple form to post your creative ideas. The best ones will be put forward to other volunteers to develop and integrate into Edaya’s activity template.

Through Edaya’s platform, you will be assigned an activity or lesson plan to work on, in line with the learning guidelines.

If you’re an experienced teacher or professor, you can review activities created and offer advice and feedback on areas to improve the quality and effectiveness of the activity plan.

Be as loud as you can! Talk to someone or everyone about your Edaya experience. Tell them the stories of these children. Because, the more you talk, the more word-of-mouth is generated. And more word-of-mouth generated means others will know about us. And, the more others know about us, the more children we can help.

You can organize a fundraiser such as bake sales at your schools campus, online crowdsourcing, family contribution, donations, and any other creative ideas you can come up with to support covering our expenses

Boost Edaya’s image through creating nice visuals and/or videos

Apply now